Walau kami orang Pinggiran Tapi Pengetahuan Kami Mendunia

Senin, 14 November 2011

collapse of honesty dfan character education in Indonesia

Honesty really expensive hargannya in Indonesia. Justice is only a mere joke, education as a bridge to educate the youth of the nation torn apart when he heard moans Alifah families who were expelled from their homes, because dishonesty disturbing school. Very ironic when the elite in the Ministry of National Education which dinahkodai Mohammad Nuh declared representative of the National Examination in building character education in this Indoneisa. Misfortunes that occur in families Alifah is one of incompetence in management education Indoneisia.

Expulsion from the village Alifah family home, is still low awareness will masarakat public rights of society, where every citizen has the right and responsible in doing the activity, without the restraints and argue freely. It is inversely proportional to the cases of corrupt snapper are still not necessarily determine its completion. As if they were protected by kemunafikkan ruling elite. This nation when it's run by people who are not experts, and is not responsible in practice the values ​​of Pancasila this is it.

Determinitas dishonesty, making the concept of justice and rule of law is still ambiguous in the realm of this beloved archipelago. Because the management of the infrastructure foundation of Human Resources to be oscillating with a quota of political power. Muhammad Nuh, Minister of National Education as not to minimize school children in Indonesia, education is only for smart people, rich people. National exams are proud of Noah, only a small example of the collapse of character education in Indonesia

If no one central leadership of Muhammadiyah Students Association, led by Achmad Nur Slamet Effendy asking the president to revoke the decree as Muhammad Nuh, Minister of National Education, Muhammad Nuh has been properly replaced, and it is proper Education Reconstruction Indoneisa in synergy so that the quality of people woke up, and the creation of rights educational rights of accommodative

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